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中大醫學院羅德慧教授打壓學術自由?  同學仔嬲爆用掌聲回應阻發言

抗爭行動發展至今,很多人仍然認為,讀書就讀書,唔好搞咁多嘢。但事實上,讀書又點會與政治無關?中大中大生命倫理學中心總監Professor Kumta(下面片段最右方男士)日前與同學上課時,提到近日社會事件,提醒同學者作為醫者必須為人道問題發聲。可惜的是,另一位羅德慧教授竟然多次打斷Kumta的講話,以下片中可以看到,她甚至乎搶走台前咪高峰,令同學仔嬲爆。


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醫科同學今日上了一節由中大生命倫理學中心總監Professor Kumta (片段右方)任教的 “Doctors and Patients’ Relationship”, 課堂上Professor提及近日社會事件,藉此提出作為醫者必須為人道問題發聲,但發言期間多次被羅德慧教授(Prof. Lo Dak Wai, Alexandra,片段中女士) 打斷,羅教授甚至搶去台前的麥克風,直接宣布課堂結束,令同學甚為不解。

補充:簡報上寫道”Whats’s happening in Hong Kong?” 在中大醫學院裡,嚴重打壓學術及言論自由,便是活生生的社會縮影。流血事件及人道問題,怎會與醫學倫理無關?

Medical students have attended a lecture about “Doctors and Patients’ Relationship” by Professor KUMTA Shekhar-madhukar (Executive Director, CUHK Centre for Bioethics) (right lower corner of the video) today. During the lecture, Professor Kumta has talked about the recent events happening in Hong Kong and raised the point that medical professionals must voice out for humanitarian issues. However, his speech was rudely interrupted by Professor Alexandra Dak Wai Lo, lady in the video, Professor Lo has even abruptly declared the end of the lecture. Students find it confusing and not understandable.

(It is written “What’s Happening In Hong Kong” in the PowerPoint slide. The fact that academic freedom and freedom of speech are seriously suppressed in CUHK Faculty of Medicine, is ridiculously coherent with what’s happening in our society. Humanitarian issues, injuries done on civilians and police brutality, have no reason to be separated from bioethics.)

