收到不少風為香港人「提水」的外國記者Richard Scotford,在十一國慶前又再次有更多的消息。他稱由明天(27日)開始,警察將會更加瘋狂,讓香港變成幾乎的警察城市。警察屆時將會不理任何原因,針對任何人士的集會進行更激烈的行動。警察亦已獲得授權,他們零容忍並可以用更大武力,去對付一些他們不喜歡的事情。
WARNING: I have this from extremely reliable source that from 27th September until October 1st, Hong Kong will become a quasi police state, with the police being hyper aggressive to any gatherings of people, for whatever reason . Police have been authorised to have a zero tolerance with maximum aggressive policy to anything they don’t like.
The dysfunctional logic that they’re working on is that by October 1st, people will be too scared to come out in large numbers.
Protesters are advised to mass in large numbers for self protection or adopt guerrilla warfare tactics, with clear objectives and escape plans.