似乎和過往的傳言一樣,蘋果針對iOS 7.1的測試時間會比較長。對上一個測試版在介面上有點改變,不知道剛推出的iOS 7.1 beta 4,會否會有進一步的更改?我們若果有進一步的消息,會向大家再匯報。
Known Issue
32-bit apps running on a 64-bit device cannot attach to BTServer.
A compatibility behavior has been added to address an issue where some web servers would send the wrong Content-Length value for “Content-Encoding: gzip” content. Previously, NSURLConnection and NSURLSession would send a “network connection was lost” / NSURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost (-1005) error in this situation.
The compatibility behavior applies only if the Content-Length value exactly matches the expanded gzip’d content. It won’t apply for “off by 1” or similar miscounting.
Fixed in iOS 7.1 beta 4
Messages no longer indicates a send failure immediately after sending.
A property, minimal-ui, has been added for the viewport meta tag key that allows minimizing the top and bottom bars on the iPhone as the page loads. While on a page using minimal-ui, tapping the top bar brings the bars back. Tapping back in the content dismisses them again.
For example, use