
Tim Cook針對講蘋果新書  大罵nonsense


Wall Street Journal前記者今日正式推出新書Haunted Empire: Apple After Steve Jobs,主要是提到蘋果在Steve Jobs後,其內部發展如何。Apple CEO Tim Cook也知道有此事,並針對其新書作回應。

Tim Cook用nonsense去形容這本新書,原文回應如下:

This nonsense belongs with some of the other books I’ve read about Apple. It fails to capture Apple, Steve, or anyone else in the company. Apple has over 85,000 employees that come to work each day to do their best work, to create the world’s best products, to put their mark in the universe and leave it better than they found it. This has been the heart of Apple from day one and will remain at the heart for decades to come. I am very confident about our future.

當中提到的,是這本書無法捕足蘋果、Steve Jobs以及公司的事情。這種回應究竟會否影響這本書的銷情?就要看看了。

[來源:the Verge]

